About Me

I am Binu B. Peniel, God’s own country (Kerala), India by birth, spent formative years in commerce school and engrossed mastering in theology, Counseling and Psychotherapy and become an internationally qualified Clinical Pastoral Counseling Trainer and Psychotherapist. As a courageous and hardworking leader from the young age worked with International organizations such as 242GC, Atlantic College, Al-Shama Building Materials, MHHM, GFA and OM in Asia, Middle East and North America.

I am a follower of Jesus Christ. Biblical Research, Chaplaincy, Missionary Training, Clinical Counseling and Psychotherapy, Business Development, Blogging, Photography, Corporate Training, and Web and Software Solution, Mobile Apps Development are my areas of interest. Vision to see the fulfillment of a native missionary movement in South and East Asia. Presently doing the Doctoral Research in Ohio, USA. 

My research interest involves, Human Trafficking, Premarital counseling and marital satisfaction, Psychosocial problems of the adolescence in the institutional care, Cosmic Christ in View of Pierre Teilhard De Chardin: Towards a Christian approach to religious pluralism, Christian Innovation etc. Visit my blog: www.binupeniel.com 

Studied in Kerala University, Serampore University and United Theological Seminary, OH, USA